Smolskull #1822




Smolskull #1822

Smolskull #1822

Mark Knol
Description: Smolskulls are PFP style NFTs with a difference, reflecting a personal and sincere artistic touch, such as here, as a pixelated skull, with a round head, making it a mix between pixel and vector art. To do so, Mark Knol uses a handful of colours but a variety of facial expressions.

Fond of programming, arts and guitar.Mark Knol started out as a video games designer at Media.Monks. He began creating generative art around 2008, at a time where Flash and ActionScript were trendy. Sensitive to the environment and criticisms inherent to mining and transaction validation, NFTs in their infancy did not call to him. But his meeting with Mario Klingemann and Matt DesLaurier, with their energy-efficient NFTs, was a game-changer.

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