Cath Simard



Art Collection



Cath Simard

Cath Simard

Photographer, digital artist and central figure of the NFT community, Catch Simard is one of the most in-vogue artists in the field of NFT photography. From fashion models to Dirtbag, the story of this Canadian born in 1989 evokes a certain taste for risk and transformation. Scouted by a modelling agency at the age of 15, she worked as a mannequin for a decade before becoming an art director and fashion designer. Then, in an astonishing switch, reflective of her philosophy of life, she traded her American haute-couture wardrobe for… the cultivation of bananas in Australia, before eventually becoming a full-fledged mountaineering photographer. From that point onwards she has been on an initiation journey, a mix of reality and imagination in the heart of composite landscapes.

Collectors are not mistaken and instantaneously recognize her aesthetic. Nights with surreal mountains, cold, blue ; striking. Her innovative style and her will to take audacious risks are the results of a desire for singularity and of the freedom she enjoys every day. To capture a single image, she can walk 250 kilometers, trek 18 days in the mountains, or even climb at 5,900 of altitude to take pictures. This is why and how Cath Simard only creates and publishes 5 to 7 photos per year in an NFT format.

ut the triggering event happened in 2017, and this photo of an isolated road in Hawaii. A picture that has gone viral, picked up by social media, news organizations and other websites… without crediting the artist, nor her consent. Having never received a single dollar for her most viral image, Cath Simard decided to transfer the photo’s copyrights under the hashtag #freehawaiiphoto, making it thus royalty free. This decisive moment for the NFT photographers’ community, media rights and photography in general, has generated international interest and media coverage.

Proud ambassador of the Sony Alpha universe, Cath Simard counts amongst her sponsors and publications that have displayed her work: The North Face, DP Review, Art of Visuals, Open Skies Magazine and Outdoor Photography Magazine.


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